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Saturday, October 28, 2017

10 Tahap Cara meningkatkan sinyal Wifi 2 kali lipat

10 Cara Untuk Meningkatkan Sinyal WiFi Hingga 2 Kali Lipat

1. Gunakan Teknologi WiFi Terbaru

Saat ini ada empat jenis teknologi remote yang tersedia, yaitu A, B, G, dan N. Teknologi A, B, dan G adalah teknologi lama yang mempunyai kecepatan lambat. Sedangkan N merupakan teknologi terbaru dan tercepat dalam hal kecepatan. Jadi, selalu gunakan versi N untuk mendapatkan kecepatan maksimal.

2. Cari Posisi yang Tepat

Sinyal WiFi tidak dapat dilihat oleh mata manusia, tapi sinyal tersebut dapat terhalang jika ada banyak tembok di sekitar switch nya. Jadi, selalu cari posisi bebas dari penghalang agar kamu dapat berinternetan dengan nyaman.

3. Jauhi dari Perangkat Elektronik Lain

Tidak hanya switch lain yang dapat mengganggu kualitas sinyal, namun beberapa perangkat elektronik lain seperti microwave juga bisa menjadi penyebabnya. Untuk mengatasi hal ini kamu dapat menjauhkan berbagai perangkat elektronik tersebut dari switch. Selain itu kamu juga bisa menggunakan switch double band agar dapat memindahkan frekuensinya dengan mudah.

4. Gunakan Channel yang Kosong

Jika di wilayah kamu terdapat banyak orang yang menggunakan switch WiFi, maka bisa jadi kamu berada pada channel yang sama dengan switch tersebut sehingga kualitas sinyalnya menurun. Maka dari itu pilihlah channel WiFi yang kosong atau yang sedikit penggunanya agar tidak terjadi gangguan sinyal. Kamu dapat menggunakan aplikasi inSSIDer untuk melakukan trik ini.

5. Perbaiki Sistem Keamanan

Kamu telah menggunakan paket web yang cepat, namun masih saja lambat saat diakses. Kemungkinan ada orang lain yang menggunakan koneksi WiFi kamu tanpa sepengetahuanmu. Untuk mencegahnya, gunakan secret word yang rumit serta gunakan enkripsi WPA2.

6. Kontrol Bandwidth

Jika kamu tidak sendiri saat menggunakan WiFi, pasti akan lambat saat perusing. Kamu bisa mengatur penggunaan data transfer capacity agar orang lain tidak terjadi kebocoran transmission capacity yang bisa mengakibatkan koneksi lemot.

7. Menggunakan Kaleng Bekas

Sinyal WiFi menggunakan udara sebagai penghantarnya, agar sinyalnya tidak menyebar kemana-kemana, kamu bisa memanfaatkan kaleng bekas untuk menentukan tujuan sinyal tersebut. Selain dengan kaleng, kamu juga bisa menggunakan panci atau aluminum thwart.

8. Gunakan DD-WRT Firmware

Cara memperkuat sinyal WiFi lainnya yang cukup efektif adalah dengan menggunakan aplikasi DD-WRT firmware. Aplikasi tersebut dapat digunakan untuk meng-hack switch agar kekuatan pemancar sinyalnya menjadi lebih tinggi lagi.

Seperti dikutip dari, meskipun cukup berbahaya untuk switch namun setidaknya kamu bisa menaikannya hingga 70 mW. Dengan begitu, jangkauan dari sinyal switch kamu akan bertambah hingga lebih dari dua kali lipat. Selain itu, aplikasi ini juga menyediakan berbagai macam opsi keamanan bagi switch kamu.

9. Gunakan WiFi Repeater

Repeater merupakan sebuah alat untuk menerima sinyal WiFi kemudian memancarkan kembali sinyal tersebut dengan lebih kuat. Alat ini sangat cocok untuk kamu yang penerimaan sinyal WiFi-nya buruk.

10. Reboot atau Restart Secara Berkala

Tidak jauh beda dengan cell phone dan PC. Switch akan sering mengalami masalah saat dipakai dalam waktu yang lama. Untuk menghindarinya, kamu bisa melakukan reboot atau restart switch secara rutin agar kondisi switch tersebut menjadi segar dan siap digunakan kembali.

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How to Create a Strong Promotion Strategy for Your Clothing Business

promotion strategy
You’ve spent years coming up with the perfect clothing brand. After studying everything there is to know about fashion culture, you’re ready to release your clothing brand to the world!
How exactly are you going to get people excited about it? It’s estimated that 8 out of 10 businesses will eventually fold, you don’t want to be another statistic.
That’s why it’s important to come up with a great fashion marketing promotion. By using the right tools, you’ll get the word out about your clothes and have fans clamoring for your goods in no time!
Not sure where to start? Here’s a quick how-to that’ll help launch your promotion strategy with a few easy steps.

Understanding The Ideal Customer

Before you can conquer the catwalk at Fashion Week, you’ll need to understand who you’re selling to. Ultimately, your target audience is going to determine how and where you set up your marketing campaign.
For instance, are you looking to sell exclusively to businesses? Or perhaps to consumers? Maybe both? Make sure you have a clear sense of your customer base.
Once you’ve settled the basics, it’s time to move on to the more complicated aspects of promotion strategy: demographics.
Every business has a demographic. Those who tend to ignore that demo are the ones who are likely to shut their doors within a year. Don’t make the same mistake.
Understand the following about your ideal customer:
  • Where do they live?
  • How much money do they make?
  • What is their age?
  • Where do they tend to shop?
  • What sites do they spend their time on?
With this information, you’ll be able to pinpoint ways to reach your audience.

Set Up a Great Looking Website

These days, a business without a website may as well not exist. Think about how you can leverage your website to really cater to your audience.
For a prime example, let’s take a look at the website for Nicki’s. Take a moment to look over the homepage. A few things will immediately stand out.
For instance, a rotating carousel of brands lets you know the types of clothing they sell. Furthermore, the 3 large images (‘Girls’ ‘Boys’ ‘Babies’) lets you know who they’re selling their clothes for.
Why is this such an important feature? Because it takes the guesswork out of browsing. You don’t have to wonder whether Nicki’s has your favorite brand for your child — the info is all right there.
Also, make sure you have a blog set up. You can use it to post content, but also advertise to your market. It’s a win-win for your business and SEO!

Use Social Media in Your Promotion Strategy

If you want to find your customer base, go where they already are: social media. Millions of people use social media on a daily basis, so finding your customers is all about a few things. First, join public fashion groups.
Be upfront about who you are and what you’re hoping to achieve with your business. The contacts in these groups are absolutely invaluable.
You’ll also want to make sure you’re engaging with your customers on a regular basis. Ask questions and be sure to respond when customers have questions of their own. The more you respond, the more they’ll relate to you as a brand.

Final Thoughts on Running a Promotion Strategy

Running your promotional campaign isn’t going to be easy or quick. It’ll require patience and a ton of learning. Be sure to follow these tips and pay attention to your analytics.
It’s okay if you need to make changes along the way! What’s important is that you’re getting yourself and your brand out there.
For more great content, be sure to keep checking Article City. Whether you need help learning about websites or want some more marketing tips, we’re here to help your business grow.

5 Ideas for Fun Custom Bobbleheads

fun bobbleheads

A doll with a head that bobbles: that is the classic bobblehead doll. And that could very well be the end of the story.
But it’s not.
The fun begins when bobblehead dolls are customized to represent something or someone in particular. A custom bobblehead doll is the perfect blend of art and laughter.
But before the fun begins, you have to decide what or who your custom bobblehead doll is supposed to represent. You will never run out of ideas for custom bobbleheads.
Here are 5 to get you started:

1. Your Favorite Pet

Who says bobbleheads have to be modeled after humans. Pets are people too. If not, at least they are great subjects for custom bobbleheads.
Make this gift card out to yourself.
You likely can’t take your favorite pet with you to the office. But you could put a bobblehead of her on your desk.
It will be like she’s right there with you, except without all the barking, territory marking, and… You get the idea.

2. Bobblehead Selfie

All of the power, science, chemistry and engineering that goes into smartphones these days has been reduced to one thing by the masses, taking selfies.
If you are going to take selfies, why not take them to the next level?
A custom bobblehead selfie is a great gift that reminds friends, family, spouses and other domestic partners that you are always there for them. So don’t hesitate to give the gift of yourself.

3. Confidence Boosters

If you think self-esteem is tough for adults, try being a kid again. It is harder than ever to navigate the grade school social highway with your ego intact.
Parents can give the gift of self-confidence by presenting a child with a bobblehead of themselves as their favorite superhero. It can be a reward for good grades on an exam, or politeness, or neatness, or any good thing that can be called out in a special way.
Because it is a custom bobblehead, your child’s likeness could be them ripping open their shirt to reveal a superhero emblem underneath.
Just know that some places charge extra to customize the body. There will also likely be a separate charge for glasses, masks, and head gear. When pricing your custom bobblehead, be very specific about what you want.

4. Sales Incentives

Sales rooms are powered by egos and incentives. Custom Bobbleheads of your sales team can help you tap into both.
The winner of your weekly contests can be represented by their triumphant bobblehead prominently displayed.

5. Bobblehead Family

As the old saying goes, the family that bobbles together… Well, you get the idea.
Next time, instead of a family portrait, why not try something a little different?
Why not do family bobbleheads every few years. The kids will love them, the grandkids will adore them. And for the first time, the Joneses will want to keep up with you.
There is no end to the creative ways to customize and utilize bobblehead dolls. If you are an out of the box thinker, give one firm bobble for “yes!”